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What is Green House Effects?


Green House Effects can be explained as follows: when the sun shines on the earth, some of its heat is reflected back (the earth being a solid mass). Certain gases, which absorb some of this heat, occur naturally. They therefore keep the earth in a suitable temperature for the survival of living things in it. These gases are called green house gases and they include: carbon(IV) oxide, CO2; water vapor; oxides of nitrogen; sulphur(IV) oxide, SO2; sulphur(VI) oxide SO3; and methane, CH4. However, due to certain human activities, the level of these gases has increased.

In addition, several other different gases that can absorb suns heat are also been produced (these are regarded as artificially produced green house gases, and they include: hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs); per fluoro carbons (PFCs); and sulphur hexafluoride, SF6) The consequence of the increased level of the green house gases in the atmosphere is that the earth becomes warmer than is necessary, a condition referred to as “global warming.”

This can result to adverse climatic conditions, leading to natural disasters like drought and flood (due to the melting of ice at the polar regions of the earth, causing increased volume of water in the world). Also, skin irritations and rashes are experienced due to the intense heat of the sun.

Each green house gas differs in its ability to absorb heat in the atmosphere. HFCs and PFCs are the most heat absorbent. Methane traps 21 times more heat per molecule than CO2.  





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